lol I managed to get my very reluctant boyfriend to say a very reluctant yes, and the best tickets sold out. Now all tickets have sold out, according to the Lippu site.
Sooo... Adam cherry intact, sadly.
Well, another time...
Moscow tickets will go for sale on 3d of December, so you still have some time to decide and persuade ;D
I'd far rather be happy than right any day - Douglas Adams
YleX Popuutiset@ylex_popuutiset Adam Lambert -fani, toimi nopeasti! Vielä muutamia lippuja Suomen keikalle jäljellä: Helsingin Hartwall Areenall...
ETA I found a promo bit on NRJ web site... and they tweeted too
SonyMusic Finland@sonymusicfin Adam Lambertin keikkaliput menevät kuumille kiville! Vielä on paikkoja jäljellä, osta omasi heti jos keikalle mielit!
Too expensive, it exceeds my budget. I would have made an insane effort to pay the first price, but 211€ is too much for me. :-/ Especially since I would have to pay for the plane tickets and a hotel, plus whatever expenses we have over there.
Thank you very much for telling me, though.
Don't give up. Often they all go and then more become available. Also people start the upgrade game and sell their other seats. I almost buy at the release time and I get great seats later. Don't give up