Hi to you all!!! What I can say ,I try say what is in my mind.I hope no one get upset or get wrong way. Every day here is awesome!I know I sand like broken record but you're so intelligent,knowledgeably smart and quick thinkers, I can't even begin to wrap my thick head around.I love Adam dearly all I know I love he's incredible talent his music make feel good, his philosophy of life and the way he thinking and believes.Adam really open my mind to many things.He is so genuine and open,and the way he is connect people and more....make him so spacial out of this world!
This is the way Adam reach out to our hearts and connect us:
Adam's song can spark a moment...
Adam's smile begins a friendship...
Adam's laugh will conquer gloom...
Adam's step must start each journey....
Adam's touch can show you care...
Adam's heart can know what is true...
Adam's life can make the difference....
But you guys really blow me away how much you know about Adam and not only, but the music, the people... sorry but I'm speechless right now and out of words.Seriously sometimes feels like I talk to Adam's siblings and you have no idea how great that feeling is!I BOW to you all!!!Thank you for accept me us one of yours sister.
mys*&@^#r and revlisacat I also wishing you luck to win the tickets.I sand you wishes to the universe!