This is exactly why I am not agonizing over this. All 4 songs are good, in my opinion. And Adam's going to do more than survive. He is on track. He is flourishing. He is ALREADY more successful than he ever thought he'd be. It's a GREAT time for Adam and his world is only growing bigger!!!
Aloha and Hoopla, I like what you said and I agree.
RL is waayyy too complicated right now, haven’t posted in a while although I’m lurking every day (so creepy sounding, lol), and haven’t felt motivated to post, but now I do and will probably overdo it. And it’s likely to be a bit jumbled. And I’m not sure it’s anything that hasn’t been said before, including by me! Sorry in advance, scroll if you want, I’ve certainly been scrolling like crazy through all the opinions about the next single. I can’t even think about it, really, it kind of makes me crazy. I just want to see what happens and enjoy the ride.
I have no opinion about the next single, and I’m not nervous about it. I’m really just curious to see how it all plays out, and while Adam has unique challenges as well as unique talent, IMO, as others have said, he has already succeeded in many ways. We (and he) all want more for him, but it will come, one way or another. I keep thinking about Elton John asking him to sit at his table (and I’m pretty sure I read that EJ was upset with Adam after the AMAs – clearly Adam won him over after all). And those loving, supportive tweets from Mia Farrow! Plus, it appears that he’s performing on some of the big radio concerts with big a-list names. People in the industry know who he is, and people respect him and want him to have the success he deserves. The radio success may not come in the form of a stupendous #1 hit – or it might. But it will all be ok regardless!
I really enjoyed and agreed with SusieFierce’s twitlonger that was posted here about a week ago (give or take). I don’t think it’s possible to predict what will be a hit, or to force it to happen. Adele, Gotye, Foster the People, and fun., (all of whom I really enjoy)(and I love Janelle Monae, who appears on the fun. ‘We are Young” vid) made an impact on radio because, as Susie and others have said, they offered something new and unique, as well as being charismatic performers who really engaged people’s interest. There is an element of surprise when something new engages people’s attention, something Adam has already accomplished several times (AI -- both TV and the tour), AMAs, FYE cover, Glam Nation Tour, EMAs). Not everything he does is always going to have the same degree of surprise (although I could be wrong about that, because he DOES keep managing to surprise me, over and over). (Wondering if I’ll feel the same surprise about this album, and this tour. And I’m not sure I will. However, my past history with Adam is that he almost always does surprise, delight, and amaze me. So, I’m curious to see what happens. I agree with what Tigerlily posted a few days ago -- Adam is a spectacularly creative and accomplished vocalist and performer, but his songwriting skills are still developing. I love a LOT of the songs he’s written or co-written, but it remains to be seen if his skills in that area will ultimately be on the same level with his performance skills, IMO). But the main point is that Adam has already had multiple moments where more people suddenly became aware of him, and he created buzz and conversation and achieved a new level of recognition. It’s almost like he has to outdo himself every time to reach the next level, but if anyone can do it, he can.
So, he’s already had moments of making an impact on public consciousness – first on AI, then on the AMAs, then, to some degree with the FYE album cover, tour and the dvd, and then with the EMAs. IMO, all of these things caused more people to say ‘wow, who is this guy?” And there will be (many) more moments like this in the future. Digression… Even though some fans appear to wish the AMAs would disappear from Adam’s history, I don’t think that will happen. It was a hard performance for some fans (including myself) to watch, becausee it was such an uncharacteristically angry performance, plus he tripped and FELL. And he did push the envelope a bit with some of the sexual imagery (although it was hardly more extreme than many of the other performances), but personally I hardly noticed any of that because I was too upset about the fall and the anger! But I think the kiss with Tommy (and the way it was captured photographically), is really a kind of iconic image and moment, like it or not. (I liked it).
Which leads me into the fact that I loved seeing Adam and Tommy onstage together during these promo appearances, in spite of Tommy’s obvious ~quirks. At this point, I think I will never NOT be sappy about them. It’s not entirely rational, but then neither am I, lol. Adam appears to me to really enjoy having Tommy onstage with him (I say that because in these promo appearances he frequently engages with Tommy and directs remarks to him, teases him, compliments his playing, etc.), and it was great to see Tommy become more relaxed and playful in response. (To me, he seemed really nervous and awkward in the beginning of the promo). I think they sounded great together, too. I liked Kevin with Adam too, but to me there’s an extra dimension with Tommy that has to do with his friendship with Adam – and also the fact that they look good together (IMO). YMMV. And I do think Isaac adds a lot, too, musically (although I still prefer Longineau, but oh well!) – but LOL at whoever said he reminded them of Gollum. I feel the same way – sweet, but kind of creepy in those photos. Really would love to see him cropped out of those great pics of Adam in the leopard tights. (I really don’t think Isaac’s creepy, but those photos kind of make him look that way, lol). Anyway, the promo tour has been great – haven’t had a chance to look at and listen to everything, but love knowing that I can find it when I want to. (Although *booo* to no vids from that one San Diego show with the fabulous photos…). Thanks to all who do all the work to make this forum so engaging and such a great resource. Also thanks to all who shared vids and wrote recaps. Enjoyed everything, but have to say that in particular, there were a couple of phrases in rabbitrabbit’s recap that were awesomely descriptive and funny and that cracked me up.
Back to RL…carry on
OH...forgot to say, SOOOO disappointed about Sonisphere! Hope something else even better happens and that fans are able to alter their plans to make things work.
OH, AND...aaahhh...I just saw that photo from the NNN rehearsal!!!!! Ditto to what Aloha and Durberville said! All my zen went out the window and yeah, I felt like I might puke from excitement!!! DYYIINNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So much for whether he can still surprise me *I'm cocked and I'm ready to go* so to speak, haha
ahem, carry on...
ETA: Ladymaserati, loved your post a lot.